These online workshops are conducted live, over Zoom. I am also available for in-person workshops in classrooms or other sites. TO REGISTER, PLEASE EMAIL ME: montereybound AT gmail DOT com.
New 8-week Workshop.
Thursdays. October 3- November 21, 2024.
9-11am Pacific / 12-2pm East Coast / 5-7pm Ireland/UK
(Registration deadline: September 26th)
TO REGISTER, PLEASE EMAIL ME: montereybound AT gmail DOT com.
Other times available by popular demand. See below for fees and payment methods. Partial scholarships available.
Intimate groups: No more than eight participants.
Personalized follow-up material: Based on what comes out of each session.
Contemporary voices: With a focus on marginalized voices.
Live writing time: Not just quick-writes, also longer explorations (30-45 min).
Affordability: Sliding scale rates and discounts for return participants.
Workshops can be tailored to the needs of the participants.
That being said, the general format I follow begins with a short warm-up exercise to play with language and get our minds on topic. After the warm-up, we read 1-2 poems/poets, exploring them for craft as well as our own emotional responses. We move from the poems into writing prompts and writing time. Then, the group re-convenes to share writing or process as each individual wishes; there is no obligation to do so. Unless the writer is interested in particular feedback or requests no feedback, those with something to offer about what was shared speak briefly on something they appreciated about what they heard. As we all understand the writing is fresh and unfinished, the focus is not on critique but rather on craft and techniques of using the writing of others toward generating our own.
The core SOBI (Small Observances, Big Ideas) workshops are ongoing and run in 8-week blocks that take place weekly in two-hour sessions. Groups range from 4-8 people. Sliding scale $225-290 payable via Venmo (@kathrynpetruccelli) or Paypal (montereyboundATgmailDOTcom). There is also an option to add in a one-hour private session ($30 when attached to a series.). Return participants receive a 10% discount. Partial Scholarships available for Poets of Color. [3-week Sept. workshop $75-105.]
Write me at montereybound AT gmail DOT com to reserve your spot. If you are interested in alternative meeting times, please contact me–with four people interested we can make it happen.
Online Writing Workshops (my teaching approach).
Poetry is Not a Luxury Series for Women.
Dovetail Storytelling Workshop.