These online workshops are conducted live, over Zoom. I am also available for in-person workshops in classrooms or other sites. TO REGISTER, PLEASE EMAIL: montereybound AT gmail DOT com.
And then our singing / Brought on a different manner of weather. – Tracy K. Smith
The poems we’ll explore in this workshop take strength from the past, wrestle with the realities of the current moment, and dare to imagine a better future. We will not look away from grief, but we can concurrently use poetry to both find ourselves in the larger swirl of history and honor those who preceeded us. Once grounded there, we’ll move on to read poems that speak into the future and aim to create a space of possibility.
Within the time of the workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to get down poem-starts based on work we discuss for technique and emotional resonance. You’ll be sent a generous packet of poems ahead of time, which will include folks like Rick Barot, Leila Chatti, Alberto Ríos, Michael Kleber-Diggs, Ada Limón, and Andrea Gibson.
8-week workshops beginning February 6 or February 9, 2025.
with a guest poet session March 2nd, featuring Francesca Bell.
Thursdays: 9-11am Pacific / 12-2pm East Coast / 5-7pm Ireland&UK
Sundays: 11-1pm Pacific / 2-4pm East Coast / 7-9pm Ireland&UK
TO REGISTER of for MORE INFO, PLEASE EMAIL ME: montereybound AT gmail DOT com.
*Other times available by popular demand. See below for suggested fees.
Intimate groups: No more than eight participants.
Personalized follow-up material: Based on what comes out of each session.
Contemporary voices: With a focus on marginalized voices.
Live writing time: Not just quick-writes, also longer explorations (30-45 min).
Affordability: Pay-what-you-can
Workshops can be tailored to the needs of the participants.
That being said, the general format I follow begins with a short warm-up exercise to play with language and get our minds on topic. After the warm-up, we read 1-2 poems/poets, exploring them for craft as well as our own emotional responses. We move from the poems into writing prompts and writing time. Then, the group re-convenes to share writing or process as each individual wishes; there is no obligation to do so. Unless the writer is interested in particular feedback or requests no feedback, those with something to offer about what was shared speak briefly on something they appreciated about what they heard. As we all understand the writing is fresh and unfinished, the focus is not on critique but rather on craft and techniques of using the writing of others toward generating our own.
The core SOBI (Small Observances, Big Ideas) workshops are ongoing and run in 8-week blocks that take place weekly in two-hour sessions. Groups range from 4-8 people. As of January 2025, these workshops are pay-what-you-can. If you have the means, here are suggested fees: Sliding scale $225-290 payable via Venmo (@kathrynpetruccelli) or Paypal (montereyboundATgmailDOTcom). If your budget won’t support those costs, pay whatever you can. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Write me at montereybound AT gmail DOT com to reserve your spot. If you are interested in alternative meeting times, please contact me–with four people interested we can make it happen. I’m also available for private sessions.
Online Writing Workshops (my teaching approach).
Poetry is Not a Luxury Series for Women.
Dovetail Storytelling Workshop.