Micro/Flash Fiction
“Road Trip, 1977” Fictive Dream (November 2024)
“Binti’s Escape” & “The End” at Switch: A Journal of Microfiction
“How to Love Your Country” Wrong Turn Lit.
“Eve’s Paradise” & “Ten Exotic Places You’d Never Think to Visit” from Switchonline.org.
“What’s in a Name?” in LINEA (audio)
“Sparks in the Dark” reading for Stockbridge Library, March 2024.
Reading and Conversation around “Inquiry:” Season 3 of the Stockbridge Library series, January 2023.
My poems, others’ poems, & conversation about the times we live in. “Refuge of Witnessing,” Stockbridge, MA Library series. January 2022.
Reading with Paola Bruni for The Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium, October 2021.
Reading & discussion for Stockbridge, MA Library, Medicine for the Soul series, June 2021.
Reading for the distance series Poetry is Bread, curated by Tina Cane.
Reading of “Cutting Corners” for Kai Coggin’s Wednesday Night Poetry Open, May 2021.
Reading of “Flamboyance” for Kai Coggin’s Wednesday Night Poetry Open Mic, March 2021
Reading of “Lamps” for Kai Coggin’s Wednesday Night Poetry Open Mic, January 2021
Reading of “B: The Road Home” for Kai Coggin’s Wednesday Night Poetry Open Mic, December 30, 2020
Reading of Edna St. Vincent Millay’s sonnet “Inland” #MillaySocietyChallenge
“Ocean Girl Goes to the Desert,” story performed in Greenfield, MA, June 2019 for New England Public Radio’s Valley Voices Story Slam.
“Overflowing Borders,” video of speech delivered to Speaker Sisterhood Florence, MA club, December 2018.
Selected Essays
“Intermezzos along the Road Home” in The Los Angeles Review.
“Alternative Healing Practices” in SweetLit.
Micro Essays “Gratitude” and “Electric,” in River Teeth’s Beautiful Things column.
My essay “The Way It Was” at Arcturus Magazine.
Craft Essay for Split Rock Review.
“Ex Libris: The Last Week of Summer,” audio streaming from PRX Exchange. A commentary about the love of books and how it has to sustain me through the colder months, with special consideration for Anne Fadiman’s Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader.
“For the Faint of Heart,” from Ruminate Journal’s The Waking
“How to Read This Essay,” Winner of San Francisco’s 2015 LitQuake essay contest. Published in Word Riot (with audio).
“Passion within Parameters,” speech originally created for Speaker Sisterhood. A romp through the coming of age school years that looks at a love of language and how one’s passion can flourish despite, or sometimes because of, constraints and limitations. (audio)
Listen to fellow poet Julie Murphy interview me for Santa Cruz, California KSQD radio’s The Hive Poetry Collective.
Listen to my speech “A Chair of My Own” from the book Secrets of the Sisterhood, and Angela Lussier’s interview with me on its background and my participation in Speaker Sisterhood.
Sampling of Articles on the Arts I’ve Authored
“Seaside’s Jeff Nixon, an Ansel Adams protege, makes the immense intimate”
“Stage mom,” profile of the late actress & children’s drama teacher Marcia Hovick
“The Geography of Sound,” profile of hip-hop artist Savage Sun
“Two Legends,” interview with Hal Holbrook on his one-man show “Mark Twain Tonight!” (pdf)
Preview of book launch for writer, artist and musician Bill Minor’s memoir ”The Inherited Heart”
“Serious Fun,” Paula Poundstone interview
“Klezmer Fusion,” interview with the band The Klezmatics
Poetry-Related Articles I’ve Authored
“Art & Activism,” spoken word team Climbing PoeTree perform in Big Sur
“Write ’em Cowboy,” Annual Cowboy Poetry Gathering, Salinas, CA
“Poetic Licence,” translator of China’s most famous early poets
“Former U.S. Poet Laureate Robert Haas to Read at MPC”
“Award-winning Poet to Speak on Diversity as Art,” Nikki Giovanni
“At the Mic,” West Coast Poetry Slam Championship
“Journal Pushes Boundaries of Art,” launch of Henry Miller Library’s Ping Pong Literary Journal.
“High School Poets Read their Poetry, Receive Honors”
“Word and Deed,” poets Diana Garcia and Frances Payne Adler
“Word Play,” poetic theater ensemble Universes
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